Parish Based

Catechesis as an ecclesial act is the responsibility of the local ecclesial community.  The program hopes to inspire a strong sense of community building and strong appreciation of the role of every catechist and every Christian to help build a participatory Church in the local community.

Seen in the context of a participative Church / community of disciples (PCP II), the Parish, the family, the school, Basic Ecclesial Communities, associations, movements and groups of the faithful (cf.  GDC, ch. 3) become the loci and means of catechesis and at the same time consider themselves empowered partners in the mission of evangelization and catechesis.   

The end-product, that the KATOLISISMO aims to produce are catechists, religion teachers and Ministers of the Word of God who are first of all well-balanced individuals in touch with people and open to the signs of the times; persons deeply rooted in God through prayer and the sacraments; mature Christians deeply imbued with Catholic Faith and eloquent witnesses of the Risen Christ in the context of the Church and the society today.

The Catechist

The Encyclical Redemptoris Missio, describes catechists as "specialized workers, direct witnesses, indispensable evangelizers, who represent the basic strength of Christian communities, especially in the young Churches". The Code of Canon Law has a canon on catechists involved in strictly missionary activity and describes them as "lay members of Christ's faithful who have received proper formation and are outstanding in their living of the Christian life. Under the direction of missionaries, they are to present the Gospel teaching and engage in liturgical worship and in works of charity". (Guide for Catechists # 3, 1993)

This description of the catechist corresponds with that of the CEP in its 1970 Plenary Assembly: "The catechist is a lay person specially appointed by the Church, in accordance with local needs, to make Christ known, loved and followed by those who do not yet know Him and by the faithful themselves".

The Ideal Catechists

 Response to a Call

Catechist are called by God through the Church to the ministry of catechesis, not only to give time and talent for re‐echoing the Catholic faith but to be open to one’s own deepening understanding and living of the Catholic faith.

Witness to the Gospel

Catechists are called to believe and witness the Gospel and its power to transform life. Catechists are persons with an ongoing commitment to God’s Word in their mind, in their hearts and in their lives.

Commitment to the Church

Catechists are called to be ministers of the Word and representatives of the Catholic Church. They are called to teach what the Church proclaims, and when teaching any subject, must always teach what the Church teaches, regardless of personal beliefs or opinions.

Builders of Community

Our God is a community of persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Made in the image and likeness of God, we are called to be God’s people, a community of faith. Catechists are therefore called to foster and build a faith community in their classrooms and in all aspects of the parish.

Servants of the Community

Catechists are called to serve the Christian community in the spirit of Jesus and the prophets.  This service means not only seeking to meet the needs of individuals within the parish but also in the larger local and global community. This challenges the catechist to be aware of Church teaching and actions in terms of peace and justice.  Catechists need to be open to receiving the service and care of others in order to truly be of service to others.

Knowledge and Skills
Catechists are called to prepare for this important ministry by acquiring the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to communicate Gospel values and Church teaching effectively for different age groups.

Two Types of Catechists

There are two main types of catechist: full-time catechists, who devote their life completely to this service and are officially recognized as such; and part-time catechists, who offer a more limited, but still precious, collaboration. The proportion between the two categories varies from place to place, but in general there are far more part-time than full-time catechists.  [Guide for Catechists #4, 1993]

Classifications of Volunteer Catechists

In actual missionary practice, the catechist's vocation is both specific, i.e. for the task of catechizing, and general, for collaborating in whatever apostolic services are useful for the building up of the Church. [Guide for Catechist, Part I, #2 par. 3.]

1.       School Based Volunteer Catechists - are those who commit themselves doing catechesis in public schools together with the full time catechists but only for a limited time.
2.      Parish Based Catechists - are those who collaborate with the ordained ministers in their parishes.  Usually assigned in educating the out of school youth and adults in their faith, preparing parishioners for the reception of the sacraments, at times in charge of the education committee of the parishes.
3.      Community Based Catechists – still these people are under the parishes but their main function is in the BEC.  The task entrusted to them is multiple; preaching, leading community prayers, catechizing catechumens and those already baptized, taking charge of pastoral initiatives and organizing parish functions.

The Ideal Learners

A catechist truly helps a person to encounter God.  (GDC #139) The catechist is essentially a mediator, facilitating communication between the people and the mystery of God, between subjects amongst themselves, as well as with the community.  The catechist ensures that his/her activities always draw support from faith in the Holy Spirit and from prayer. (GDC #156)

By virtue of baptism, each Catholic is called to minister, to heal, to teach, to serve, and to affirm in Jesus' name.  Some, however, are called to minister in a formal way by proclaiming and teaching God's Word.  

Formal catechists in parishes/schools include, but are not limited to the following:   

Parish Priest & Parochial Vicars
Members of Parish Pastoral Council
Members of Parish Ministries
Members of Parish Organizations
Person In-charge of Pre-Jordan Catechesis
Person In-charge of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Person In-charge of Pre-Confirmation Catechesis
Person In-charge of Pre-Cana Catechesis
Person In-charge of the Sick & Aged Catechesis
Person In-charge of Person with Disability (PWD) Catechesis
Adult Faith Formation Leaders
BEC Coordinators / Sambayanan Leaders
Campus Ministers
Parish Catechetical Leaders
Parish Religion Teachers
Principal, Teachers & Support Personnel  (parochial/diocesan schools)
Young Adult Ministers 
Youth Ministers