1. To make the catechists capable of transmitting the Gospel in the name of the Church. [GDC 236]

2. To afford “the catechists an organic awareness of the Christian message structured around the central mystery of the faith, Jesus Christ” [cf. GDC 240], through biblico-theological formation which involves study of the three great eras of the history of salvation [OT, NT, Church History], the three essentials of the Faith [doctrine, moral, worship], and the human experience needed to correlate the message with daily life. [NCDP 2007, 445.]

3. To prepare catechists in developing their skills of integrating the truths, meaning and actions of the faith [orthodoxy and orthopraxis, ecclesial and social meanings] within the present historical context. [NCDP 2007, 446].


Basic Faith Formation 1 (BFF):  The content of this course aims to orient the volunteer catechists to the basics of our Catholic Faith. The content of the faith is divided into three parts; the Doctrine, Morals, and Worship, with the introduction to the scripture in the beginning and the introduction to the catechetical ministry and methodology at the end part of the course. It serves as the initial formation for those who are involved in the ministry of the word and is willing to understand more clearly and deeply the teachings of the Catholic Church.  “…the quality of any form of pastoral activity is placed at risk if it does not rely on truly competent and trained personnel.” [GDC, 234]

The first year BFF program will be held in the Vicariate level.

Basic Catechetical Formation 2 (BCF):  The Second Year Program is designed to help our volunteer catechists have a wider perspective of the truths of our faith which hopefully would help in their maturity of faith.  The challenge is to lead our catechists relate the truths of our faith in the contemporary issues the world is facing.   Deeper discussion on the challenges on catechesis and contemporary issues will be discussed together with the means to transmit it effectively. The second year program will also include special trainings for other means of catechesis and ministry of the word.

The Second year BCF program will be held at ICAM or in the Archdiocesan BCF and On-Going Formation Program.

First Year Basic Faith Formation Program

Introductory Course

Introduction to the Scripture

IS 1
The Old Testament
2 Days or 8 hours

Inspiration and Revelation in Scripture
The Pentateuch and the books of the Old Testament

IS 2
The New Testament
2 Days or 8 hours

The Synoptic Gospels
The letters and the Acts of the Apostles

IS 3
The Role of Scriptures in Catechesis
1 Day or 4 hours
Total Hours

5 Days or 20 hours

Courses on Catholic Doctrine

Foundational Topics: Faith and Revelation   

CD 1
God the Father
2 Days or 8 Hours

·         Images of God among Filipinos today
·         God, the Father Almighty    
·         God, Creator of heaven and earth  
·         Sin and the Fall from Glory  

CD 2
Jesus Christ
3 Days or 12 Hours

·         The Person of Jesus
·         Jesus: His Birth and His Early Years
·         Jesus Christ’s Ministry and Mission
·         The Kingdom of God
·         Christ has Died, Risen, and will Come Again
·         Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of God

CD 3
Holy Spirit
2 Days and 8 Hours

·         The activities of the Holy Spirit; in creation, redemption and the life of the Church
·         The Identity of the Holy Spirit
·         The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

CD 4
The Catholic Church
1 Day or 4 Hours

·         The Nature and the Mission of the Church
·         The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

Challenges to teaching Doctrine and Examination on Doctrine
1 Day or 4 Hours
Total Hours

10 Days or 40 Hours
Courses on Catholic Morals

Foundational Topics: Freedom and Conscience                     2 Days or 8 Hours

MR 1
Loving God
2 Days and 8 Hours

·         Understanding the Commandments
·         The First Commandment
·         The Second Commandment
·         The Third Commandment

MR 2
Loving Neighbors
2 Days and 8 Hours

·         Love one another
·         The Fifth Commandment
·         The Seventh Commandment
·         The Eight Commandment
·         The Tenth Commandment

MR 3
Loving Family
2 Days and 8 Hours

·         The Fourth Commandment
·         The Sixth Commandment
·         The Ninth Commandment

MR 4
The Beatitudes
1 Day and 4 Hours

·         The Sermon on the Mount
·         Christian Virtues

Challenges to Teaching Morals and Examination on Morals
1 Day and 4 Hours
Total Hours

10 Days and 40 Hours

Courses on Catholic Worship

Foundational Topics: Christian Prayer and Liturgy                2 Days or 8 Hours

WS 1
Sacraments of Christian Initiation
2 Days or 8 hours
·         The Ritual Sacraments
·         Sacrament of Baptism
·         Sacrament of the Eucharist
·         Sacrament of Confirmation
WS 2
Sacraments of Healing
2 Days or 8 hours
·         Sacrament of Reconciliation
·         Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
WS 3
Sacraments of Communion
2 Day or 8 hours

·         Sacrament of Matrimony
·         Sacrament of the Holy Order
The Lord’s Prayer
1 Day or 4 hours

·         God our Father in Heaven
·         The Seven Petitions
Challenges to teaching Worship and Examination on Worship
1Day or 4 hours
Total Hours
10 Days or 40 hours

Introduction to Methodology

IM 1
Fundamental of Catechesis
2 Days or 8 hours
IM 2
Introduction to Catechetical Methodology
2 Days or 8 hours
IM 3
Challenges to teaching Worship and Examination on Worship
1Day or 4 hours
Total Hours
5 Days or 20 hours

Total Hours for the whole BFF 1 Course                       40 Days or 160 Hours                                                                                                                                                 

The program is really intended and designed for PARISH WORKERS AND VOLUNTEER CATECHISTS.  If the participant wishes to apply as fulltime catechist after finishing the First year BFF program, CFAM and ICAM does NOT guarantee that they will be become a fulltime catechist for there are other sciences needed.  Graduate of the First year program must continue their studies and take the Basic Catechetical Formation Program (BCF) offered by ICAM if they wish to work as a professional catechist.

A candidate to this program must be endorsed and supported by the Parish Priest.  The participants must submit an endorsement letter from the Parish Priest address to the Institute of Catechetics of the Archdiocese of Manila (ICAM) copy furnished the CFAM-Volunteer Catechists Commission. The agreement of their services to be rendered to their parishes is upon the discretion of the parish priest, this will be discussed before the catechist is recommended to attend the BFF program.  The screening will be handled by the parish priest and /or the education committee chairperson, head catechist and volunteer catechist coordinator.  Once the candidate is chosen, a commitment letter will be asked from them to be submitted to the parish priest and copy furnished the offices of ICAM and CFAM through the Volunteer Catechist Commission for record and identification purposes only.


Regular attendance in the class is a must, only a maximum of 2 absences with valid reasons for every course could be considered. A certificate of attendance will be given to the candidate each time he/she would finish a course provided he/she does not have more than 2 absences from that particular topic/subject.

Examinations in the courses must be passed. All professors are required to prepare a quiz for every topic discussed and a final examination for each course will be given to participants.
The written examination together with their attendance and class participation will be the basis for the grades. Final grades will be officially credited in the ICAM BFF Program.

The Scripture, Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) and the Catechism for the Filipino Catholics (CFC) and the National Catechetical Directory for the Philippines 2007 will be the primary sources to be use in the program. Participants will be required to have their personal Bible and will be encouraged to have a copy of either the CCC or the CFC.

Those who completed the First Year BFF Program will be given a certification from ICAM that he/she has completed the course on Basic Faith Formation and is acknowledge to be qualified to hand down to the young and children especially those who are out of school under their parishes the basics of our faith. He/She also qualifies to assists in the parish pre-sacramental catechesis and school catechesis observing the fulltime and at times be given a chance to help facilitate in the classroom setting.  Completion of the first year formation will also qualify them to take the BCF program offered at ICAM and the On-Going program for catechists in the Diocese.


1.  Those who wish to become FULLTIME CATECHISTS MUST enroll at ICAM and take the Basic Catechetical Formation Program (BCF) provided they’ve passed the requirements for the Course. 

2. Volunteer Catechists who graduated from the First Year BFF Program must continue their formations and training especially on Methodology to be given in the Diocesan Basic Catechetical Formation Program and the On-Going Formation Program for Volunteer Catechists.

3. Those who graduated from the Diocesan Basic Catechetical Formation Program will be officially recognized as Volunteer Catechists and will be given a Volunteer Catechist Identification Card (ID) issued by the CFAM Volcats Commission.


Every Saturday of the Month and/or during free weekdays available for classes
8:00 am to 1:00 pm [5 hrs. every meeting]


The program will be held in one of the parishes of the Vicariate, with a parish hall conducive for formal studies. The Parish will sponsor the free use of their parish hall.


At least 25 students are needed to run a program in a vicariate.
A fee of Php. 100.00 will be collected from the participants every session to accommodate the snacks for the participants and the honorarium for speakers and other materials that will be needed in the class. An honorarium of at least Php. 1,000.00 will be given to the speaker for every session.
The students counterpart could be lessen depending on the number of participants.

The fee could be shouldered by the parish to assist the potential catechist.

The total fee for the whole first year BFF program will cost only Php. 3,500.00 / catechist.


            Regular Saturday Class Schedule

7:30 am           Arrival of Participants and Attendance

8:00                 Morning Prayer (Lauds)

8:15                 Conference

10:00               Health Break

10:30               Conference

12:30 pm         Angelus
